Coming Soon: Adjudicating the Impaired Driver

Alcohol & Crime  > Blog >  Coming Soon: Adjudicating the Impaired Driver

As an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in addition to the CEO for NPAMC, many years ago I learned the hard way that the offense of DUI is one of the most complex criminal cases a prosecutor can do in the courtroom. Between the use of scientific evidence, eyewitness testimony, and experienced defense attorneys, new prosecutors were definitely being thrown into the deep end of the pool.

One resource many prosecutors now have are TSRPs, Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors. TSRPs help train and educate prosecutors throughout a state. However, some states don’t have TSRPs and other states have more demand for training than can be filled. As a result, some prosecutors have to prosecute this complicated crime without any specialized training or education.

Adjudicating the Impaired Driver

FAAR (the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility) recently created a law school class entitled Prosecution of the Impaired Driver. Now, following that course’s success, FAAR is now partnering with the National Center for State Courts and former TSRP Jim Camp to develop an online interactive training course on prosecuting the DUI offender. This course will aid prosecutors in their effort to prosecute this potentially deadly crime. It will discuss why prosecuting DUI crimes is critically important in saving lives, as well as providing the tools necessary to successfully prosecute a DUI charge. Plans are to release the course in the fall of 2017.